Discipline Office



Stanton-Weirsdale Elementary takes pride in being a school that focuses on character education as well as academics. We focus on the positive behavior rather than the negative. The positive actions of students are rewarded and as a result we have a school that often serves as a model for others to follow.

From time to time it becomes necessary to discipline children for misbehavior. All teachers are responsible for putting in place a classroom management procedure that will enhance the opportunity for learning to take place for all students.

We follow Marion County Public School's Code of Student Conduct.

Any discipline concerns at Stanton-Weirsdale are handled by our Student Services Manager, Mr. Mathews.





  1. Raise your hand if you need something.
  2. Talk softly to others at your table.
  3. Follow dismissal direction.
  4. Always obey staff members.
  5. For health reasons, food may not be shared.
  6. Students who bring lunch from home are encouraged to bring a nutritious and filling meal. Our cafeteria does not provide candy or carbonated drinks for students and parents are asked not to include these items in their child’s lunchbox.

Riding the Bus is a Privilege, Not a Right
(Marion County Public Schools Code of Conduct)

  1. Bus riders must be approved by Marion County Public Schools Transportation to ride a Bus.
  2. Your child needs to be at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled bus arrival time. For safety, please supervise your child until he/she boards the bus.
  3. Bus riders will follow all the safety rules of the bus which will be explained to riders by the bus driver.
  4. Children may ride only to and from their legal residence. Parents must provide a written request for an Alternate pickup or get off stop. Students must have the same morning departure and afternoon destination. The request must be pre-approved by the school or transportation. Violation of this policy may result in a suspension of bus privileges.
  5. On any day that a regular bus rider is NOT to ride the bus, a written note must be sent to school. We cannot accept the word of a student; children often misunderstand what they thought their parents told them to do.
  6. Glass containers, animals, medicines, or large objects are not allowed on the bus.
  7. If a student does not follow bus safety procedures and positive behaviors the student will be given a verbal or written warning, depending on the level of the behavior. Repeat offenders will receive a written referral and parents will be notified by the school of the referral and consequence.
  8. Fighting may result in out of school suspension for up to 10 days.
  9. Suspension from the bus is NOT suspension from school. Parents must provide transportation for their child to and from school during suspension. During bus suspensions if the student is not picked up by 2:15, the child will be placed in our Extended Day program with parents being responsible for whatever the charge is for the service. Failure to pay the charge will result in any future services, therefore, if a parent is not available within a reasonable time the proper authorities will be contacted to receive the child.
  10. Inappropriate physical contact (fighting, inappropriate touching), inappropriate gestures, language, or materials, insubordination, or weapons will go directly to a referral with a possible bus or out of school suspension and law enforcement involvement.


The following interventions will be used to correct student behavior:

  1. Verbal correction
  2. Private conference with student
  3. Change seat
  4. Behavior contract
  5. Parent contact
  6. Refer to guidance
  7. Time out
  8. Conference with Student Services Manager

NOTE: Teachers are not limited to nor required to use all steps before writing a discipline referral.


A student’s failure to respond to the attempts by the teacher and parents to change or correct misconduct will result in a discipline referral being written and the student sent to the Student Services Manager's office. Stanton-Weirsdale Elementary will follow the Marion County Code of Student Conduct for Elementary Schools when a child is sent to the office for disciplinary reasons.


  1. Fighting
  2. Blatant disrespect
  3. Drugs, weapons, alcohol
  4. Willful disobedience/defiance